Welcome to the SIMUFORM® BLOG

On our blog you will find tips & tricks on topics related to the optimization of product development and the SIMILIA software. We give practical tips and recommendations or prepare interesting topics in an understandable way for you.

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02. Mar 2023

Target Costing - Target Cost Evaluation for Purchasing

Target costing and target cost evaluation with modern IT methods for purchasing: fast - efficient - transparent.

It will work for you, too, guaranteed.

Huge article inventories and even more master data make it difficult for the purchasing department to achieve the best prices. They fail to see their way through the jungle and run the risk of buying at unfavorable prices without knowing what they are buying. Using target costing and target cost evaluation with modern IT methods for purchasing is a very effective tool. SIMILIA's automated BOM-Compare-Process (BCP) supports the purchasing department in target costing. Shadow costing can also be applied via this process.


02. Mar 2023

Calculation in toolmaking - process inquiries faster.

What are you calculating today?
Whatever you do: speed is the key.

Do you want to be faster and more effective in handling customer inquiries? This works for you, too.

Speed is of the essence when it comes to processing incoming inquiries, and calculating and preparing competitive offers. But it has to be fast. Yes, in hours and not after several days or weeks. But with the speed, the accuracy of the calculation in the tool shop must not be neglected. A mix of experience, process knowledge, know-how, and the right software tools such as Excel and Co. are the least that is needed. But that yes every professional has at hand for cost calculation in tool making. But what do you do when time is short and the requests start piling up? So you still need that certain something to be more successful than your competition. Read this article to find out how you can implement it effectively without having to tie yourself to yet another software logjam.

02. Mar 2023

Industry 4.0 - digital transformation for engineers

Who doesn't know this? The term Industry 4.0 is used on almost every advertising poster in the technology sector. The use of this term has already become very inflationary. Even though Industry 4.0 is a trend that will certainly revolutionize many industrial processes in the next 5 years or so, many people do not know what it is all about. A somewhat clearer understanding of the subject matter would do well to grasp the extent of this development.

02. Mar 2023

Find duplicates & consolidate inventory data - this is how it works

Duplicates in inventory data are a horror for any company. Duplicate development costs, duplicate master data management, duplicate inventory, duplicate procurement costs, duplicate costs everywhere you look. Duplicates in inventory also create confusion. This occurs more often than one would like. Manufacturing, assembly, and service are often confronted with these situations, which lead to errors and complicated processes. Why make things so difficult for yourself? Read the following blog to learn how you can efficiently avoid duplicates in the future and consolidate your inventory data.

02. Mar 2023

Making cost calculation in toolmaking more successful

Fast and successful cost calculation in your own PLM, PDM, CAD, & ERP system - SIMILIA AUTOMATION offers unbeatable advantages for toolmakers.

Who can offer the best calculation for a request the fastest?

How quickly do you create a quote?
Thanks to integrated solutions, you could multiply the output of quotations.
Calculate more accurately, faster, and more successfully, with SIMILIA AUTOMATION.

How does it work? Quite simply. SIMILIA AUTOMATION is an integrated software solution for toolmakers, parts manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and companies in the automotive industry to easily and quickly find relevant company information - without the hassle of starting another application, directly from your ERP, PDM, or PLM system. SIMILIA AUTOMATION is the solution to increase your competitiveness because with the integrated software module you will be more successful in your quotations and calculations.

02. Mar 2023

Your checklist for the introduction of a geometric component search

The first step has already been taken. You are seriously thinking about systematizing parts usage in your company. What should you think about if you want to introduce such a solution in your company? With the following compilation of important information, we want to give you a few tips and suggestions.

02. Mar 2023

Successful use in design & CAD product development

"In design and development, it should be possible to identify at an early stage whether existing developments and components can be reused. The SolidWorks CAD format must be supported for this. The change management from the PDM system Keytech is also to be displayed congruently for the geometric search." This is roughly how a requirement for SIMILIA may sound. And this is what the answer sounds like ... 

02. Mar 2023

3D Data Mining Methods & Software

Effectively evaluate and exploit the unimagined potential.

3D Data Mining - an exciting journey through the ever-growing flood of data.
Go on knowledge discovery in your data stock.

02. Mar 2023

How to save costs with 3D search engines

Cost savings from enterprise 3D search engines:
What decision-makers should know.

Can modern search technologies and business intelligence make my company more successful?
This is a question that companies often ask themselves because many things are unclear and can be firmly substantiated with numerical data facts. What is it actually? What can search technology do for a company?
We will give you a brief insight into the benefits and advantages of 3D search technology, a software solution with which many companies and industry leaders are already saving costs.

02. Mar 2023

Successfully optimize business processes

Cost driver No. 1:
Superfluous data and material masters

Do you know this? You want to draw a new part, create an offer or find the best supplier and start a search in existing data. Despite "powerful" systems, you can't find anything suitable. Yes, actually you know that you have worked on something similar before. But it is now much too time-consuming to search for it for a long time and to check lists. So the whole process is recreated. This is sub-optimal and works much more efficiently.

02. Mar 2023

Data Cleansing - Use Quick Wins and save money

Duplicates in the article inventory are a thorn in the side of every company. They cost money. Unnecessary money. Money that can be saved and put to better use elsewhere. Cleansing the duplicates in the inventory would enable immediate savings, and quick wins. With modern and established methods, Data Cleansing is an efficient approach to permanently remove duplicates in the item inventory. Data Cleansing is economically very reasonable and can be realized quickly with SIMILIA.

02. Mar 2023

Optimize the procurement process in purchasing in 3 steps

Everyone can optimize their procurement process in purchasing. In 3 systematic steps: Consolidate - Structure - Automate.

It will work for you, too, guaranteed.

The traditional image of purchasing and the demands placed on it have changed significantly. The term Purchasing 4.0 is on everyone's lips. The term focuses on the interdisciplinary, networked, and systematic optimization of the entire supply chain. At the same time, operational and strategic purchasing must detach themselves from the technical constraints and dedicate themselves to the core topics. Learn in the following blog how to optimize the procurement process in purchasing - in just 3 steps.


02. Mar 2023

Calculate faster and more accurately

How is it possible to calculate costs faster and more accurately when capacities become smaller?

If you had the entire process knowledge and the associated resource planning of the company in your head, you could put together the best offer for the respective customer inquiry in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, you say, this is not possible. But we do say! SIMILIA captures the relevant knowledge and enables you to retrieve this knowledge in seconds: WITHOUT ANY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.

How does that work? Quite simply with SIMUFORM's intelligent search technology.

02. Mar 2023

Common parts strategy to accelerate product development.

On the subject of digitization & automation of industrial companies, everyone agrees: you can't do without it. But as we all know, many roads lead to Rome, and this is one of them - perhaps even the shortest.

02. Mar 2023

Cost analysis

Cost analysis: Figures-data-facts plausibly compiled. Reducing costs without losing performance is an important criterion for turning the right screws.

Cost analysis for entrepreneurs and managers simple and plausible with numbers-data-facts

Based on more than 15 years of experience with medium-sized customers and companies, the 10 most effective ways to make cost savings are summarized. In doing so, the company's performance is not diminished. A plausible cost analysis shows where savings are possible and what potential they have. In doing so, this cost analysis clearly presents the possibilities that are not already overstimulated. SIMUFORM shows examples from practice and plausible figures, which potentials lie fallow in companies.




The SIMUFORM BLOG is a contact point for all areas to easily grasp complex topics. Geometric similarity search, process optimization, Industry 4.0 and increasing the profitability in product development are just a few of our interesting topics..