Welcome to the SIMUFORM® BLOG

On our blog you will find tips & tricks on topics related to the optimization of product development and the SIMILIA software. We give practical tips and recommendations or prepare interesting topics in an understandable way for you.

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02. Mar 2023

Making cost calculation in toolmaking more successful

Fast and successful cost calculation in your own PLM, PDM, CAD, & ERP system - SIMILIA AUTOMATION offers unbeatable advantages for toolmakers.

Who can offer the best calculation for a request the fastest?

How quickly do you create a quote?
Thanks to integrated solutions, you could multiply the output of quotations.
Calculate more accurately, faster, and more successfully, with SIMILIA AUTOMATION.

How does it work? Quite simply. SIMILIA AUTOMATION is an integrated software solution for toolmakers, parts manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and companies in the automotive industry to easily and quickly find relevant company information - without the hassle of starting another application, directly from your ERP, PDM, or PLM system. SIMILIA AUTOMATION is the solution to increase your competitiveness because with the integrated software module you will be more successful in your quotations and calculations.



The SIMUFORM BLOG is a contact point for all areas to easily grasp complex topics. Geometric similarity search, process optimization, Industry 4.0 and increasing the profitability in product development are just a few of our interesting topics..