Welcome to the SIMUFORM® BLOG

On our blog you will find tips & tricks on topics related to the optimization of product development and the SIMILIA software. We give practical tips and recommendations or prepare interesting topics in an understandable way for you.

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02. Mar 2023

Data Cleansing - Use Quick Wins and save money

Duplicates in the article inventory are a thorn in the side of every company. They cost money. Unnecessary money. Money that can be saved and put to better use elsewhere. Cleansing the duplicates in the inventory would enable immediate savings, and quick wins. With modern and established methods, Data Cleansing is an efficient approach to permanently remove duplicates in the item inventory. Data Cleansing is economically very reasonable and can be realized quickly with SIMILIA.

02. Mar 2023

Cost analysis

Cost analysis: Figures-data-facts plausibly compiled. Reducing costs without losing performance is an important criterion for turning the right screws.

Cost analysis for entrepreneurs and managers simple and plausible with numbers-data-facts

Based on more than 15 years of experience with medium-sized customers and companies, the 10 most effective ways to make cost savings are summarized. In doing so, the company's performance is not diminished. A plausible cost analysis shows where savings are possible and what potential they have. In doing so, this cost analysis clearly presents the possibilities that are not already overstimulated. SIMUFORM shows examples from practice and plausible figures, which potentials lie fallow in companies.




The SIMUFORM BLOG is a contact point for all areas to easily grasp complex topics. Geometric similarity search, process optimization, Industry 4.0 and increasing the profitability in product development are just a few of our interesting topics..